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Perfect Solutions
Quality Blinds
Fast Service

Brad P

“It’s not often I am stuck for words, but I really don’t know where to start, except to say from first contact to the job being completed, Essex Blinds LTD were an absolute joy to work with, Dave turned up on time to survey the job and measure up and gave me what I consider to be a really reasonable quote, which I accepted, the blinds were made by Essex blinds LTD themselves and were really good quality…….no poor quality foreign stuff, then Dave and he’s assistant returned to fit the blinds, once again on time, did a really good, quick, Professional, job and did a great job of clearing up too, although to be fair they didn’t make much mess in the first place, the young Lady in the office was also a joy to speak to and made the whole process very easy, I am of a mind whereby I don’t recommend people easily these days, but in this case I have no hesitation, do yourself a favour and use these guys, they are great and although my job went perfectly ok, I can imagine knowing Dave as I now do, that if you had an issue of any kind , that he would deal with it swiftly and to your satisfaction, he strikes me as being one of these blokes that just dosn’t have it in him to do anything less than a perfect job.

We strive to give all our customers 100% satisfaction

* That is our ultimate aim as a company and the goal we set for all our clients!